Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash I’ll hold my hands up and say it – I’m scared of bees. Yes, I know it’s silly, they’re kinda cute and they’re incredibly important pollinators, but stinging, flying insects are a still a no from me. Despite this fear, I do think that bees are pretty darn cool! Honeybees, of the genus Apis , are eusocial insects, meaning they have a high level of organised sociality. The characteristics needed for an insect to be considered eusocial are as follows: Cooperative brood care Division of labour (reproductive/non reproductive groupings) Overlapping of generations But we’ll cover the whole eusociality thing in more detail some other time (it’s fascinating!) Honeybees are actually able to communicate through two forms of dance, known as the waggle dance and the round dance, which are currently the only forms of symbolic communication known to exist in invertebrates. The waggle dance is used to point other members of the hive to valuable reso...
Are you left glassy-eyed by geography, puzzled by parasitology or befuddled by botany? Welcome to one PhD student's lowdown on just a snippet of what's going on in the world of science.